Magnets: 0

You gain 1 magnet/click

You gain 0 magnets/second

Gold Magnets: 0

Magnets: 0

How to play the 2022 version of Magnet Revival

Magnets are your main currency in this game.
Click the "Gain Magnet" button to gain magnets.
This will increase as you buy upgrades.

Each multiplier will give you a certain boost,
The 1st multiplier will only give an extra 1.25x,
but it can be increased to 1.5x for 3300 magnets.

The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. will give higher boosts
after being upgraded.

Once surpassing 3000 magnets you can buy an auto
magnet collector. This will give you 1 magnet
per second. But you can speed it up by upgrading

At 5000 magnets you will be able to earn Gold
Magnets, this will increase your magnet boost
by x1.25, they can be used for other upgrades.
The Gold Magnet upgrades might be buffed and
there might be new upgrades in v1.2 or v1.3.

Version 1.1

v1.0 - October 18, 2022
Remastered the 2021 Magnet Revival game.

v1.1 - October 18, 2022
Added tabs.
Added Auto Magnets.
Added Gold Magnets.